10th Birthday in 2013

Next year Tranquility Base will celebrate it’s 10th Birthday! So if I find anything of historical value from the archives I shall stick it on the site. First up is the original T-Shape which was designed by Alex Treadway. Here are some of the original photos used. The plan (oh so many plans!) had been to do a short film about a stand-up comedian who bombed. As he took his bow it would become the logo. So earlier plans had been of this ilk, until towards the end of the shoot we tried the now infamous “Tadah!” shot which won the day! I also like its shadow, reminiscent of the Nomads who make unnecessary cameos in ALL my projects!

I was in my late twenties when these were taken, long before I decided to dye my hair grey and deliberately put on weight!

Ray of Light (uncompleted)

Found this little gem from the Tranquility Base Archive. Kylie Vilcins plays “Adelaide” in the rather weird monologue shot around the same time as Starmaker (in which she can also be heard singing “I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts”) Although uncompleted, there is something appealing about the character. She reminds me of an Australian Kristen Schaal.