Author: Anthony Pearson

Virtually relax at the pub!
Enjoy this virtual tour of the Severed Arms and the Manager’s Office. More 360’s on their way soon!

New trailer
The newest trailer for The Twilight Ballrooms offers an intriguing glimpse into the unfolding storyline, hinting at the shadowy forces shaping its mysterious world.

The Archivist
Another piece in the jigsaw complete. And the seventh character I’ve played in the film!

Sneaky peek
For the 20th anniversary of this website, I’m pleased to give you a sneaky peek from the Twilight Ballrooms (or at least the pub near the Twilight)

More AI – Stable Diffusion
Another look at an AI generator. This time it’s the turn of Stable Diffusion.

AI – A revolution begins…
None of the images you are about to see actually exist in real life.
See what happened when Artificial Intelligence generated images of Wits End!

Meanwhile, in the background…
Detail is key. Here you can read the story about one of the many background buildings in Wits End.

Wireframe and why!
Working with a computer animated set can put a lot of strain on your computer. But there are workarounds.

Planet textures
Here’s a great simple trick to get any extraterrestrial terrain you want and it’s closer than you think, despite being out of this world!

Tranquility Showreel
“Tunnels & Spheres” – This year’s showreel, much of it courtesy of a lockdown and extra time on my hands. Everything here is by moi, including the music!

Moving clouds tutorial
A rare glimpse behind the scenes with a top tip for those doing post production on a budget!

The Sun Always Shines on TV
I did my very own cover of an A-ha classic using isolated vocals of the man himself!

Movie Diary ep8
A demonstration on the wonders of stabilising footage from handheld cameras using motion tracking.

When baking goes wrong
Forget the Great British Bake Off – when you’re rendering goes wrong during the bake you get more than deflated soufflés.

Stay Indoors: A Message from Twilight Ballrooms
An important message from the Twilight Ballrooms – released at the start of lockdown.

Test titles!
Latest entry from the Twilight Ballrooms Movie Diary. Find out why these titles got the boot!

Sneak preview
Introducing my latest character and protagonist in “The Curse Of The Twilight Ballrooms”

More exterior shots
The history and evolution of the Twilight Ballrooms. Another exciting episode from the movie diary

Four Men in a Pub – Twilight Movie Diary
Why I decided to play almost ALL the parts myself in a virtual enviroment.

New arrival
This short clip that I posted on Facebook seems to have gone down really well with the viewing public. Don’t know why? 😉

Post Office Tower Time Lapse
I do believe I put this time-lapse on Facebook but for some reason completely missed the blog, which T-Base fans, really won’t do!

Doesn’t rain but it pours
A royalty free clip (not for resale) of it raining heavily to add to your sound library. Plus a bonus sound effect halfway through!

Every great day has its end!
Check out my fantastic time-lapse of a sunset in the Maldives taken earlier this year. You can tell it’s on the equator by the fact that the sun sinks absolutely vertically.

New Pope elected – Exclusive!!
As excitement builds with the election of a new pope this week, Tranquility Base Presents exclusive behind the scenes footage of this historic moment.

Happy 10th Anniversary
Happy New Year, but also Happy Anniversary to this website – Tranquility Base Presents. Now 10 years old!

Experiment in 3d Importing
Quick experiment using the 3d import function in a demo version of Photoshop. Could be useful tools for compositing?

What Time Is On Their Minds?
What happens when you mix the music/lyrics of Andrew Lloyd Webber & Tim Rice with samples from the KLF’s “What Time Is Love?”

Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween from Tranquility Base Presents, plus a video of my day trip to my favourite spooky film location!

Artwork finally makes it home
The day has finally come! Now the works have finished in my flat I could finally collect and hang the picture I purchased earlier this year from Uli Meyer, pride of place above my telly. Indeed, I imagine many a TV program is now doomed as it will inevitably steal my gaze. The piece is …